Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thing #8

I've had a Google Reader set up (and empty) for a couple of years. I really didn't understand it. But this summer, a librarian I met showed me her Google Reader and how she uses it to hear from other librarians, even though she herself doesn't blog. I went home and filled my Reader with all sorts of fun stuff. So now I have new recipes coming everyday, along side librarian blogs and blogs from my favorite novelists.

I really see this as both good and bad. On the positive side, it certainly does make it a lot easier to access those websites you access everyday anyway. It's faster, so you can spend more time away from the computer. The negative side is obvious: You find a ton more blogs to subscribe too because of the addiction-forming side to blogging and readers, so you spend much more time on your computer. It's information overload! But I like it. Another downside is how slow it makes Google. It changes a simple websearch to an msn search, which a lot of people don't use because of how long it takes to load. That's how my Google is now with iGoogle. Again, this doesn't mean I will stop using it.

As an educator, I have subscribed to blogs that do amazing things. One posts new lesson plans, both for English and for Librarians. I have one for grammar. And a ton more. I just hope that blogging is not blocked in my district. I don't know yet because all of this has happened over the summer!


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