Wednesday, July 15, 2009

23 Things, #3

Apparently, I have had this web blog for more than two years. Little did I know...

After much frustration, I created my Avatar. Ain't she pretty! I haven't done any of the other stuff. This is my first blog. I am trying to connect it to my Facebook. I don't know how that's going to work out. I know a lot of people who do that. I just wish I had directions. I'm really good at following directions.



VWB said...

there is a place to link you blog in your profile I believe...
as far as posting in FB what you write here..I know I have seen it done I think!

maybe there are directions on FB? or maybe you can google the question and see if anything pops up?

P.S. be sure and go back and write a post about #2..the strong and weak habit

Sarahnade said...

Thanks. I think I have it connected to Facebook now. I did it on accident, but it's there :)